Nauri Gana


Nouri Gana holds a joint appointment in the Departments of Comparative Literature & Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. He published numerous articles on comparative Arab, postcolonial and modernist literatures and cultures, narrative poetics, psychoanalysis and deconstruction in, among others, American Imago, PMLA, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, CR: The New Centennial Review and has others forthcoming in such journals asPublic Culture and The Journal of North African Studies. Signifying Loss: Toward a Poetics of Narrative Mourning will be published by Bucknell University Press (Fall 2010). He is currently completing a book manuscript on the affective politics of Arab contemporaneity, tentatively titled Arab Melancholia: Toward an Affective Theory of Cultural Empowerment, and editing a collection of critical essays on the intellectual history and contemporary significance of the Arab novel in English, The Rise of the Arab Novel in English: The Politics of Anglo Arab and Arab American Literature and Culture.

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