Chon Noriega | Professor
A Professor in the UCLA Department of Film, Television, and Digital Media, and Director of the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, Chon Noriega is author of Shot in America: Television, the State, and the Rise of Chicano Cinema (Minnesota, 2000) and editor of nine books dealing with Latino media, performance and visual art. He has produced two documentaries, most recently “Casa Libre/Freedom House” (2008), about a homeless shelter for undocumented, unaccompanied minors. For the past decade, Noriega has been active in media policy and professional development, for which Hispanic Business named him as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Hispanics. He is co-founder of the 400-member National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP, established in 1999) and served two terms on the Board of Directors of the Independent Television Service (ITVS),
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Rafael Pérez-Torres | Professor
Ph.D. Stanford Univ., 1989. Chicano Cultural Studies and Literature; Contemporary American Literature; Postmodern Theory and Culture. Professor Pérez-Torres specializes in studying the intersection of contemporary U.S. culture with social configurations of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality. He is particularly interested in the intersection between contemporary multicultural production and theories of postcoloniality and postmodernity. He is the author of Movements in Chicano Poetry: Against Myths, Against Margins (Cambridge University Press, 1995), Mestizaje: Critical Uses of Race in Chicano Culture (University of Minnesota Press, 2006), and co-author of To Alcatraz, Death Row and Back: Memories of an East L.A. Outlaw (University of Texas Press, 2005). He also co-edited The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlán 1970-2000 with Chon Noriega, Eric Avila, MaryKaren Davilos, and Chela Sandoval (Chicano Studies Research Center Publications, 2001).
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Lucia Re | Professor
Professor Lucia Re earned her B.A. in English at Smith College and her laurea in Languages and Literatures at the University of Rome. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Yale University. She also studied Spanish and Latin-American literature at the University of Puerto Rico. Her translation into Italian of Borges: A Literary Biography by Emìr Rodriguez Monegal received the 1982 Comisso Prize. Professor Re’s book Calvino and the Age of Neorealism: Fables of Estrangement (Stanford 1990) was awarded the MLA Marraro prize for the best book in Italian studies in 1990-92. She has received a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship and a Getty Senior Research Grant. She was appointed by the President of the University of California to be Director of the Education Abroad Program in Italy for 1994-96. Professor Re specializes in 19th and 20th-century Italian literature and culture, with emphasis on the fin-de-siècle, modernism and the avant-garde, and the cultural history of Italy under fascism and during the Reconstruction.
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