Dr. Maya Boutaghou is a French and Algerian citizen who speaks four languages (Arabic, English, French, and Spanish). She completed her dissertation in Comparative Literature at the University of Limoges (France) exploring the link between the emergence of the novel and the construction of national and cultural identity in four major colonized areas (Australia, Bengal, Egypt, and Mexico) at the end of the 19th century. While completing her dissertation, she taught for several years in Tunisia (University of Gabès) in the Department of French and Francophone Studies. She has given talks and published papers on Francophone-Anglophone postcolonial female writers such as Assia Djebar, Anita Desai, and Anada Devi. She wrote a novel (Voyage d’Alger) -hopefully to be published in the not too distant future- and is now involved in a new book-length research project, Emergent Female Voices. She served as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Women’s Studies. Maya currently serves as an Assistant Professor of French at the Florida International University.
You can read online : « Langues, Corps, Histoire », article sur Assia Djebar et Anita Desai, Synergies-Inde, revue dirigée par le Professeur Jacques Cortès et Mme Vidya Vencatesan, nº2, 2007, p.355-364.